Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Model Dies of Anorexia, Who Knew?


It seems as if models dying of anorexia-related illnesses are so common today that whenever a new model is found dead, it hardly makes the news. Hila Elmalich, an Israeli model, died of a heart failure on November 14, 2007. Her death was just another in a string of deaths that have occurred as a result of anorexia. Luisel Ramos and Ana Carolina Reston were two others who lost their lives to their obsession with being thin. The fact that Elmalich’s story was seen as barely newsworthy is horrifying because that just shows how a model dying of anorexia has become a commonality in society today. We hear stories like this so often that it is hard to act surprised when new stories come around that another model has died. This page really helps support my blog theory that the fashion industry can have this kind of impact on a young woman; so much that it leads to her death. It is stories like this one where the fashion industry has manipulated a young woman so badly, that it actually results in her refusing to eat. In an ideal world, the death of these girls would terrify other models and people struggling with eating disorders and make them change their ways immediately. However, because these stories are not even making news anymore, young girls out there have no idea that these issues are going on, and therefore, feel that what they are doing to their bodies comes with little to no consequences. The fashion world continues to hide these scandals and young women all over the world continue to buy into its lies.

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