Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Coincidence or Racism?


Is it coincidence or racism? It seems that every issue of high fashion magazines, like Vogue, feature the “ideal” looking models plastered on their covers month after month. It’s a nice change when you can pick up a copy of a magazine to find a woman of colour gracing the cover page. However, how coincidental is it that the issue with a black woman on the cover, such as Beyoncé Knowles, happens to be the “shape” issue? Is it just that Beyoncé happens to be a woman with curves, or is it the stereotypical explanation that women of colour are curvier than white women? When I take a look at Beyoncé on the cover of this magazine, I would hesitate to classify her as even remotely over-weight. The website that features this issue relates to my topic in two ways. Not only is the fashion industry exaggerating the celebrity’s weight, but it is doing this in a racist manner at the same time. Though it seems as if this magazine is promoting being curvy and loving your body, there is a hidden message. Really, the point being made is that women of colour are stereotypically heavier than white women, and that people who have a similar body type to the very, in my opinion, slim looking Beyoncé, are considered “curvy”.

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